Water purification information

RO membrane of water purifier

Views : 69463
Update time : 2021-11-20 16:56:40
RO is the abbreviation of English Reverse Osmosis. The general flow of water is from low concentration to high concentration. Once the water is pressurized, it will flow from high concentration to low concentration, which is the so-called reverse osmosis principle: because the pore size of the RO membrane is one millionth of the hair (0.0001) Micrometers) are generally invisible to the naked eye. Bacteria and viruses are 5000 times larger. Therefore, only water molecules and some mineral ions can pass (the passing ions have no beneficial orientation), and other impurities and heavy metals are discharged from the waste water pipe. All seawater desalination processes and astronaut wastewater recovery and treatment use this method, so RO membranes are also known as high-tech "artificial kidneys" outside of the body. At home and abroad, in the medical, military and civilian fields, top RO membranes are used for polymer filtration.
Reverse osmosis is a new membrane separation technology developed in the 1960s. It is a process that relies on reverse osmosis membranes to separate solvents and solutes in solution under pressure. The full English name of reverse osmosis is "REVERSE OSMOSIS", abbreviated as "RO".

RO (Reverse Osmosis) reverse osmosis technology is a membrane separation and filtration technology that uses osmotic pressure difference as the power. It originated from the research of aerospace science and technology in the United States in the 1960s, and then gradually transformed into civilian use. It has been widely used in scientific research, medicine, and food. , Beverages, desalination and other fields.

The pore size of RO reverse osmosis membrane is as small as nanometers (1 nanometer = 10-9 meters). Under certain pressure, water molecules can pass through the RO membrane, while the source water contains inorganic salts, heavy metal ions, organic matter, colloids, bacteria, viruses, etc. Impurities cannot pass through the RO membrane, so that pure water that is permeable and concentrated water that is impermeable are strictly distinguished.
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