Water purification information

If you want your baby to get less sick, healthy drinking is the key

Views : 61989
Update time : 2021-11-16 14:52:21
Recently, the weather has become cold and dry. Every time this season, there will be a phenomenon, that is, the hospital is full of pediatrics, the baby has a constant cold and coughing, and the parents are restless.

Especially during the recurring period of the epidemic, the need to go to the hospital once you become ill will increase the sense of tension. But don't panic, mothers, if you want your baby to get less sick, daily attention to diet is the key! Especially with regard to baby drinking water, you must pay special attention. Today I will share with you a wave of dry goods about baby drinking water,

1. Drinking water without adding "materials" is safe and healthy

"White water doesn't taste like a baby and doesn't like to drink it, so let's add some honey~", "My baby is a pick. If you don't drink water, you must drink juice. There is really no way!" It really makes people angry!" Does this happen to your baby? If this is the case for a long time, and the taste develops, it will reject normal water even more and form a bad habit of not drinking water. What babies need more is safe and healthy water rather than "sweet water".

2. Drink moderate amounts of water. Drinking more is not good

"Drink plenty of water!" is a saying that parents and elderly people often say to their children. In many people's eyes, water is like a panacea. Drink plenty of water to keep you away from sickness and colds.

But everything needs to be appropriate, and drinking water should be moderate. The baby's stomach capacity is small. Excessive drinking will affect the intake of milk and food, affect nutrient absorption, and easily lead to bedwetting.

3. Drinking water should be timely and water temperature should be well regulated

Many mothers choose to boil tap water for their babies to drink. When they are too busy, they often forget to boil the water in advance. When the baby is thirsty, the water temperature is too high or too low. It is very distressing to be satisfied in time.

In fact, compared to drinking boiled tap water, it is necessary for babies who need special attention to drink water to choose a suitable water purifier.

Aicksn reverse osmosis 202-RO-04 pure water machine is ready to drink, large flow, compound filtration, touch control, core replacement prompt, exquisite and compact. Integrated waterway design, instant filter and drink, no need for water storage pressure bucket, slim body is convenient and flexible to install, and takes up little space. 600G super large water volume, worry-free water purification, drinking water without worry, pure and healthy. It can not only solve the baby's drinking water needs, but also care for the safe and healthy drinking water of the whole family, and easily enjoy the quality of life brought by healthy water.
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