Water purification information

[FAQ] Are faucet water purifiers useful?

Views : 10650
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-07-24 17:13:04
Recently, the water purifier market has been popular, and various water purification equipment has been welcomed by families. At present, there is a tap water purifier on the market, which is said to have a good water purification effect and is cheaper than a direct drinking machine. Susan will analyze it for you below:

1. Is the tap water purifier useful?

As the name suggests, a tap water purifier refers to a water purification device installed on a tap, which is generally divided into a single-outlet water purification tap water purifier, a tap water and a water purification switching tap water purifier. Compared with water treatment equipment such as bottled water and water purifiers, tap water purifiers are loved by many consumers at home and abroad because of their small and space-saving appearance and simple and convenient installation and maintenance. So, what is its water purification effect?

The main water purification materials commonly used for tap water purifiers are PP cotton, activated carbon, KDF, ultrafiltration membrane, RO membrane, quartz sand, medical stone, infrared mineralization balls, etc. At present, the faucet water purifiers on the market are mainly activated carbon. Although the filtration has a certain effect, it can only be used for coarse filtration to remove large particles such as mud and sand. It is generally used for simple primary filtration of tap water and cannot be used as direct drinking water. The filtered water is best heated and boiled for drinking. The main uses of faucet water purifiers are: providing purified water for cooking, washing vegetables, washing face, brushing teeth, and brewing milk powder for infants and young children.

2. Comparison of the effects of faucet water purifiers and direct drinking machines

The most obvious difference between direct drinking machines and faucet water purifiers is the use effect. Direct drinking machines mainly use high-precision filtration technology to filter and treat tap water at the water terminal to achieve the purpose of purifying drinking water. The treated water is high-quality drinking water. It can be drunk directly after turning on the faucet. It can be drunk immediately after opening, avoiding secondary pollution. The water quality is highly active and has a high oxygen content. It can promote human metabolism and enhance the vitality of human cells. It is used for making tea, coffee, and soup. It not only tastes more delicious, but also the nutrients are more soluble and easy to be absorbed by the human body.

Secondly, the filter material and the filter level are rated differently. There is only one PP filter element in the tap water purifier, but the direct drinking machine is different. In addition to PP cotton, there are multiple filter elements such as granular activated carbon, small T33, large T33, ultrafiltration membrane, NF membrane, softening resin filter element, mineral stone, etc. The minimum is 3-level filtration, and the better effect is 5-level filtration.

In terms of control method, the direct drinking machine is generally equipped with a control valve head, which can regularly flush the filter element in the filter housing to flush out the intercepted impurities to ensure the purification effect. Although the tap water purifier has a certain filtering effect, the filter element must be replaced frequently to ensure a stable filtering effect. It is also necessary to pay attention to the cleaning and disinfection of the filter element, because after a long time of use, there will be a lot of bacteria accumulated in the filter element.

Is the tap water purifier useful? Based on the above introduction, we believe that the tap water purifier has a certain effect, but it can only be used as domestic water, not as direct drinking water. Although the price of the tap water purifier is much lower than that of the direct drinking machine, the tap water purifier is far inferior to the direct drinking machine in terms of water treatment technology and use effect.

Water is the source of life. From a health perspective, water purification experts believe that it is necessary for modern families to install direct drinking machines. Its biggest use is to purify water quality layer by layer, making daily drinking water healthier and safer.
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